#Dearfashionpreneur S8

#Dearfashionpreneur S8


People ask me how I do it? If you are a creative you know that is a difficult question to answer. It’s not really a process you can explain and talent is not something you can teach. Most creative entrepreneurs have the design bit locked. One of my students said to me once “ some designs wake me up at night “ so she always keeps a sketch pad by her night stand. Another one said “ it starts with a nagging thought , a very specific detail like a pleated sleeve and I flesh it out from there” I’m intrigued by the creative process and how it varies from one genius to another. You have the creativity it’s the monetization you struggle with, most creatives do. This thing comes to you so easily so effortlessly you undervalue it  because you could do it for free. You sit down with a client for hours and charge nothing for your time, you deliver an exquisite creation and charge peanuts for the finished product. You don’t have a life because your bespoke business demands all of your time. Yet you have other ideas you are desperate to share with the world, but you can’t, your bespoke business won’t let you. You design what is demanded of you but you have so much more… your sketch book is bursting with new innovative ideas but you are stuck. You need to start a ready to wear label , you need to at least have a vibrant ready to wear offering along with your bespoke services. You can do it. The world is waiting and I can help you.  click on the online course to learn how you can monetize your creativity.

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