I know you worry about your business.
I know you may be fearful and maybe you are panicking.
Your fears are valid, but panicking will get you nowhere.
Here are some facts.
This situation is temporary but will change the way we do business forever.
We have made more investment into solutions for this problem than anything we have experienced in our lifetimes. The experts have assured us that vaccination will be available in a year at most. There is hope.
As of today, you can still offer your customers your services, so do so. Tomorrow’s problems are not here yet. Do what you can while you can.
I have put together a list of 5 things you can and should do. These are things I am doing too. These are not quick fixes (I don’t do those) but these will benefit your business now and even after this challenging season passes. I am doing one more thing. I am opening registration for my course again. If you have more time on your hands, then use it. It is important that you are a better business person when this is all over and a stronger, more informed individual. So for my podcast subscribers, my newsletter subscribers and my Instagram followers, I am offering 20% off the price of my full course. This offer is open for two weeks only. I hope you take advantage of this and ensure you make use of this time well.
Click on the link to register for the course “How to start a ready-to-wear label in Nigeria” now.