18 secrets from 18 years in business by Tomi Rotimi audio/video E-book

18 secrets from 18 years in business by Tomi Rotimi audio/video E-book

18 secrets from 18 years in business by Tomi Rotimi audio/video E-book


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NGN, ₦
WOOCS v.2.3.0

18 secrets from 18 years in business is a checklist consisting of practical business insights from Tomi Rotimi’s 18 years as an entrepreneur. These are the secrets to her success and now they can be yours too.



18 years ago I started my journey into entrepreneurship and though I consider it to be one of my best life’s decisions, I will be the first to admit it’s not been easy. Through the years I’ve picked up some lessons that have helped me turn my humble start-up to a household name. The Xclamations brand is one I am truly proud of but what would make me feel even more accomplished would be the privilege of helping other business owners succeed at their dreams. Through this video Ebook, I am attempting to do just that. I am sharing some of the secrets to my success. 18 secrets to be exact, one for each year. These are secrets that have seen me succeed where many have failed. These secrets were born out of many failed attempts, many mistakes, many light bulb moments, many lucky breaks, ups and downs, highs and lows that have eventually helped form my success story. I’m sharing these secrets with you with the hope that you too can apply them and experience your own sustained success.